Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

The Same Hobbie...^^

Kita udah bersahabat selama 3 tahun...
Ternyata kita memiliki hobi yang sama,
meskipun bukan "hobi" yang sebenarnya...hehe..

Sebenernya persahabatan kita ngga cuma b'2 sich..
tapi masih ada evi dan feli...
Kita paling sering nge'mall, tapi ya ga sering2 bangett sich..
Smuane tergantung sikon, alias situasi ' n kondisi..
Selain nge'mall kita juga sering pergi ke salah satu rumah secara bergantian..
tapi yang paling sering kita dolan di rumah Santi 'n kos Nita..hehe..
Kita b'4 punya tempat kongkow "ANDALAN" yaitu di Pizza Hut..wkwk..
Coz klo salah satu dari kita punya masalah, smuanya diselesain di Pizza Hut (tempat curhat gtu dech..)^^

Sebenernya kita seneeeenggggg banget dolan,
tapi si Evi selalu susah diajak pergi,
alesan'e sich mau belajar terusss (mskipun bsoknya ga ada ul)!!hehe..
Tapi ya udalah No Prob..
Kita harus saling ngerti,
coz ga enak juga sich klo msale pergi cm b'3 (ga komplitt)...hahaha..

Luv U Prendzzz..^^

HoBBieS....^^ _Nita_

Aku bingung mw nulis ap..hehe..
But this assigment! T.T

Btw, menurut klian hobi thu apa sich??
Klo mnurutku hobi thu kegiatan yang paling sering dilakuin..
So, kegiatan ap ya yang paling sering tak lakuin?
Se'ingetku sich cuma makan, tidur, bersihin kamar (coz i live in boardinghouse)^^,
dan yang pasti BELAJAR (terutama biologi)!! Hehehe....
Napa ya aku seneng belajar bio??
Sbenere aku ga terlalu suka sich ma pelajaran bio,
tapi menrutku thu sebuah kewajiban,
aplgi guruku bio sering ngasi ulangan..hehehe..

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Hobbies.....^^ _SAnti_

*kegiatan yang paling suka atau paling sering dilakuin!*
Sebener'e aku ga punya hobi...
tapi klo misal dipaksa suruh jawab ya hobiku gambar! hehe..
Nggambar tu sbnere hobi masa kecilku,

dulu aku seneng banget gambar, sampe sering ikut lomba lomba gitu..
tapi sekarang aku dah jaraaaangg banget gambar,
hobiku gambar cuma bertahan sampe kelas 6 SD..hehe..
jd gtw dech sekarang masi bisa dibilang hobi ato ga..^^
klo inget dlu ya pengen nggambar2 lagi si..hehehe..

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Proud Of You

Love in your eyes
Sitting silent by my side
Going on Holding hand
Walking through the nights
Hold me up Hold me tight
Lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart
Helping me open my mind
I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Stars in the sky
Wishing once upon a time
Give me love Make me smile
Till the end of life
Hold me up Hold me tight
Lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart
Helping me open my mind
I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Can't you believe that you light up my way
No matter how that ease my path
I'll never lose my faith
See me fly
I'm proud to fly up high
Show you the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm singing in the sky
Show you the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Nothing can stop me
Spread my wings so wide

My First Love

Everyone can see
There's a change in me
They all say I'm not the same
Kid I use to be

Don't go out and play
I just dream all day
They don't know what's wrong with me
And I'm too shy to say

It's my first love
What I'm dreaming on
When I go to bed
When I lay my head upon my pillow
Don't know what to do

My first love
He thinks that I'm too young
He doesn't even know
Wish that I could tell him what I'm feeling
'cause I'm feeling my first love

Mirror on the wall
Does he care at all
Does he ever notice me
Does he ever found

Tell me teddy bear
My love is so unfair
Will I ever found away
An answer to my pray
For my first love...

First Post

It's the diary about..
SANTI 'n NITA...^^